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Our first Tequila brochure!

Tequila Cocktail

The tide has changed for Tequila. No longer a spirit just to consume when forced to, shotted with lime and salt. Tequila and mezcal are beginning to excite people with its versatility, depth of flavour and provenance. It's the perfect time to release our first ever Tequila brochure.

We've wanted to make a Tequila brochure for some time. We've seen consumers rapidly falling in love with the category and what it offers. In the making of this brochure and the shaping of our new range, we've fallen in love too. Each bottle is a journey of discovery, into the heritage of the spirit, its production and flavours.

Tequila and mezcal are one of the fastest-growing spirits categories in the UK, albeit from a small base. In the US it's been hugely popular for some time now. Consumers the other side of the Atlantic have a deep appreciation for its craft and versatility. Like so many of our trends, will we see a love of Tequila cross to our shores? With so many new brands entering the market, each showcasing the agave plant in its own unique way, we think so.

To find out more about this category, its history and its future, take a look at our new Tequila brochure. Inside you will find our new range, some perfect serves and top tips on how to maximise the potential of the category. Download a digital copy, or fill in your details below to request a printed brochure:

Get a printed Tequila brochure


About the author

Luke Siddall (alumni)

I'm Matthew Clark's resident content creator, looking after our social media, website and customer communications. I was a cocktail bartender for while before joining but I now spend most of my time on the other side of the bar.

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